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Conceptual question on AIs


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Hello everybody,

watching the progression of 0AD for some time now left a question open with me: How do the AI bots "fit into the big picture"?
For clarification, i see at least the following uses of a "computer player":

1. "Substitute" a human player e.g. when network is not available/too slow for multiplayer (=> aegis?)
2. "Assistants" - see discussion on "Player-Scriptable Micro Managers" (2011/12/17)
3. "Trainer": Allow newcomers to practice before joining multiplayer games against experienced players (=> jubot?)
4. "Specials": Special behavior designed to fit a custom scenario, e.g. single-player campains or replay of historical events (battle of Marathon comes to mind).
5. "Demos" Show features of gameplay alive, including a "getting started walk-through" and auto-testing (=> tutorialbot, testbot)
6. "Bots in their own right". Could include 'abuse' of 0AD as a "core war runtime with excellent GUI" (i recall during the high-days of AOK there was an AI tournament set up by heavengames.com ~approx. 10 years ago).

I haven't found a concept paper on this in the wiki, but i'm curious what the 0AD officials think of where the focus is - what are your "must haves/nice to haves/don't cares/don't want to see thats"?

AI development seems relatively quiet at the moment, so i thought it a good time to raise the question. As people were thinking of changing the implementation design (discussions on C++/genetic algorithms etc.), such clarification might help (=> discussion "Finalizing planning for part 1.0" 2013/02/11 - consensus of the associated log seems to implement on an on-need base).

Please pardon me if there is info on the web and i didn't find it...

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Yes, I have seen the technical specification, my point was more about the purpose of the AIs (the "gameplay").

For example, in some elder threads there was a desire for a "real hard AI that does not cheat", which is probably category #1,#2. Let's imagine there was a perfect-playing(*) AI - what would one do with it?

Another issue is the "partial AI rewrite in C++" mentioned before. If the primary audience is multiplayer, a 100% hardcoded/scripted AI might be sufficient with respect to the performance troubles.

(* For tic-tac-toe, checkers and similar games a database of *all possible gameplays* has been built - one can formally prove an AI using that DB can enforce a stalemate at least => it is invincible)

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Thanks for the info&link, i will stand by a few days before doing so - eventually some of them will pass by this thread beforehand, it's probably rude to "hijack" them... (and i could image this question has no simple answer...)

Edit: somehow text was garbled up a bit

Edited by Teiresias
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